Month: November 2016

  • Episode 7: Steven Bowden, Fun With Bonus

    Perfect for Cyber Monday, it’s the man behind Hear one of the best (and nicest) players in the world.

  • Episodes 3 & 4: Bowen Kerins, part 1 & 2

    Bowen Kerins, fresh off of his 24 hour tournament victory at The Sanctum, takes time with Jeff Teolis to discuss risk vs. reward, Pinburgh, making tutorial videos, and a $32,000 […]

  • Episode 2: John Trudeau

    This was recorded at Stern Pinball on Oct. 28, 2016. We discussed his career and pinball designs. Please note: At the time of the recording, all that was known about […]

  • Episode 1: Steve Ritchie

    The beginning of Pinball Profile starts off with a bang! Legendary designer Steve Ritchie talks to Jeff Teolis about his work, his inspirations, his memorable call-outs…and what’s next! (Edit: Listen […]

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